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How to Go Green at Home


I’ve slipped a disc in my back and can’t do any sewing projects to share with you at the moment. I thought I’d take some time to post about how to go green at home with these great upcycling ideas.

Milk formula cans

What do you do with your upcycled baby formula cansbaby formula cans? If you imagine the amount of baby cans just being dumped and the years it takes for them to break down, that’s a pretty big pile of cans! There’s a pile of good ideas on the Internet, can bowling was one I found here. There are 15 ways to upcycle your baby cans, no excuse for adding them to landfill!

Upcycled sweaters

If you have young children upcycled sweater slipperand babies then in winter you probably spend a lot of time in the house. How about making yourself some toastie slippers from an old jumper. In Scotland we get very cold winters, once my back is better I’ll be making a pair! I’m loving this idea and you’ll find the tutorial for upcycled sweater slippers here.


Christmas stockings Christmas Stocking from old jumpercan also be made from old sweaters and it’s just the right time of year for making them. It’s a time when people have clear-outs and also prepare for Christmas, perfect! You can find the tutorial here, a great blog about imperfect home making!



Another good upcycled Upcycled sweater cup holdersweater idea are these cup holders. You could incorporate a sweater pocket and use it for popping a biscuit in! I found these here, a blog with some pretty cool ideas.



Tin cans

We all use tin cans at some upcycled food canstime or another and there are some great ways to upcycle them. The most common on is as a pencil holder, I’m sure you’ve seen these at some point! This blog has some great ideas, from a simple plain can with the edges smoothed down to the more elaborate organizer in the picture.


Baby food jars

I don’t use them so much these days with my kids being all grown up but there are lots of ways to upcycle them. I make jam and chutneys and found this size ideal when making little gift hampers. I’ve also used them in the garage to keep those screws and nails organized.


There’s some really upcycled tin caddycool ideas like these tree lanterns at inhabitots.





Let me know your upcycling ideas for how to go green at home. You can comment below or contact me I’d love to hear from you!
