Make it easy


Make it easy, make it easysomething busy Mums (and Dads) like to do whether it’s upcycling clothes, woodworking, or any of the hundreds of hobbies we pursue. Making it easy is what this site is about and the best tip is:


Use the InternetWorld-wide-web-logoThere are literally thousands of resources on the web. The 2 most commonly used resources:

  • “Google it” (most people have heard the term). You’ll find pretty much anything with this search engine.
  • You Tube is the most common place to get instructive videos..

You’ll note thoughout my blog posts how I’ve made use of free resources, one of my favourites is at Free patterns, resources and you don’t get bombarded with emails when you subscribe, always a bonus!

Over 100 free sewing patterns โ€“ download as many as you wish!


Join a local groupgroup-women-using-electric-sewing-machines-class-smiling-33563232

  • Check out your local library, they usually have details of hobby groups available in your area.
  • Local shop windows are another place where you’ll see notices.
  • Community Centres are a good source for finding local groups.
  • Colleges that do vocational courses are a good place to learn and meet new people at the same time.
  • Some craft shops run their own groups, always a good place to check.

Second hand book shops, car boot sales and charity shops are a goldmine for craft books. I very rarely buy a new book.

If you haven’t heard of Freecycle check it out, everything is free and you can also request items. 3 of my sewing machines came from Freecycle!

Starting your own group is a great way of creating your vision on how you’d like your hobby group to run. The local community centre is the best place to get help and advice on this, most hobby groups run from a community centre.

Lastly, follow my blog, I like to make things that are easy and want to pass on what I learn along the way.

hands on fabric going through sewing machine




4 thoughts on “Make it easy”

    • Great stuff Annette, check out some of the links on my site for free patterns and tutorials you might find a “how to” there andย  let me know if you need help ๐Ÿ™‚

  1. Great article, Kathy

    I do know some parents who struggle when it comes to buying clothes for their kids, but if the parents learn to make clothes for their young ones, they can save so much money. I remembered when I was little and my nan always used to knit me great jumpers that I couldn't wait to wear.

    Those were the days ๐Ÿ™‚


    • Thanks Neil. ๐Ÿ™‚

      Yes, there’s so much throwaway today, Iย  try to make it simple enough that parents aren’t afraid to give it a try. I too had many a knittted garment from my paternal Gran, maternal Gran was the sewer, those were the days indeed!


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