Upcycled Bandana Bib


Bandana Bibs are simple to make and great for making use of fabric scraps and towels. You can use left over fabric from a baby outfit to make a matching upcycled bandana bib. They’re also great for gifts, make a set of 3 with pretty fabric, a baby can never have enough bibs (you might recognise the fabric in this article!). Firstly make your pattern or you can use the one below. I used an existing bib, folded it in half,  laid it on an A4 sheet of paper, then drew and cut round it. You can do this for any style of bib. I’ll generally do a few at the same time as they don’t take long.

Download PDF File here bandana-bib

TIPCheck charity shops and car boot sales for towels or keep your ears open for friends who are changing their bathroom colour scheme and buying new towels!

Next gather your materials:

  • Pattern
  • Fabric of your choice, cotton works well for this.
  • Toweling or microfibre fleece.
  • Fastener, I use hook and loop/velcro but you can use press studs if you prefer


Fold your fabic in half and pin the pattern on, putting fold mark on pattern against fold in fabric.

paper pattern pinned on

Cut out and repeat for towelling, you’ll then have 2 pieces like this:

Cut out fabric

If you don’t have an overlocker, at this stage do a zig zag stitch round the towelling edge to stop fraying (not needed if you use micro fleece). Pin the pieces right sides together and overlock/sew together leaving a 4″ gap (for turning right side out).

Pin fabric pieces

Sew and overlock fabric pieces

Turn right side out and press turning the gap edges in.

Turned right side out and pressed

Top stitch all the way round making sure you catch the folded in edge.

The last thing is to sew on your fastening, I prefer hook and loop as it’s easy to whip on and off a fidgety baby!

Sew on hook and loop for fastening

And that’s it, simple! Here it is beside 2 others I made previously in a different size and style.

3 upcycled baby bibs different styels



About Kathy Russell
  1. Such a very simple but innovative and economical way of making one. And you can make color combinations of your own! Glad to visit this site of yours.

    • Thanks Bernie, I love making them as they’re really quick to do. I’ve also seen dogs wearing little bandana collars, might do some for mine!

  2. That's clever and cute! Great sharing Kathy! 😀

    • Seems a lot of comments were going into my spam folder so sorry for the delayed reply.  Thanks for the feedback, glad you like it, my paln for tomorrow is to make some more. 🙂

  3. Clever idea, I love it!

  4. That is great!  Thank you so much for this amazing tutorial.  It's very economical and you can create your own color combinations.

    • You were in my spam folder too, I’ll need to keep an eye on that! Thanks for the comment and yes, it’s a very effective way of having a good stock of bibs. 🙂

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