Easy Homemade Christmas Gifts


I know I know, we’re still in November christmas_stocking_but if you want to make your own Christmas gifts then you have to give yourself time! I’ve put together a few ideas for easy homemade Chistmas gifts

Some of these ideas are for babies but we adults like our gifts too!






Plush Baby Toy

A simple thing to make and a Baby Lilly with plush baby toygreat gift. You can craft a few and hang from a covered coat hanger to make a mobile. Baby Lilly loves it as she can grab hold of the ribbons easily. Go here to get the tutorial.








Handmade Bookmark

A really simple thing to make Handmade book markis a bookmark, I’ve prepared a tutorial here and you’ll probably already have everything you need to make it.

You can also adapt the shape of the bookmark and make lavender bags. Make the shape a square instead of a rectangle and fill the sack with dried lavender before sewing the end. Embroider the recipients name on it for a touch of personalisation. Great for aiding sleep when placed under a pillow!





Festival Utility Belt

Or how about a festival/utility belt, Eve4not just for the young, I’ve had friends my own age asking for these and have a few planned for presents. Remember you can pick up bargains at the charity shops for upcycling.


TIPFlick your eyes along the rails for colours and fabric that “jumps out.” Don’t pay attention to the actual garment, you’re going to be taking it to pieces anyway!




Handy Wallet Bag

I made this Diaper Bag but it can be used for Diaper Bagmany things. Get some pretty fabric and sequins and it can be turned into an evening clutch.

Another use would be as a jotter and pencil holder for children. Pop in some crayons and a colouring book and you have a lovely Christmas gift.







Useful Links

I’ve put together some links to free sewing ebooks, some great tutorials in them. You can also check out my Pinterest board  “projects to try” for some great ideas.









  • And this one is so simple, easy travel pouch(use your imagination as to the fabric you use and fill it with nice travel size toiletries/perfume).







Doing an online search for easy homemade Christmas gifts will also throw up lots of ideas! And finally, how about this, looks tricky but I’d love to try one!

Hand sewn Advent Calendar HAPPY SEWING!




About Kathy Russell
  1. Great gift ideas. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Great ideas for Christmas gifts!:)

  3. Great reading and ideas! It’s a smart thing to begin the Christmas preparations early and start on making calendars and stuff for the kids. Got very inspired now. 🙂 Thanks.

  4. I haven’t used my sewing machine in years, but these ideas make me want to sew again. Your ideas are so cute and easy I’ll have to go raid our local charity shop asap. Thanks for the inspiration! Regards, Kristina

    • Yes, get that sewing machine out! I like to make thinks that can be done in an afternoon or evening, leave time for my many other interests. Happy I’ve inspired you. 🙂

  5. I love all of your wonderful ideas. And…your site is so pretty! I love the purple and lavender. I will definitely be back!

  6. Some really great ideas here! I like the tablet stand a lot. I don’t sew much, but I’m sure I could manage a bookmark or two. I’ll probably knit them instead, though.

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